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Telehandler Rental for Pallet Lifting

A successful project by Kran using the Telehandler/Telescopic Forklift rental service in Agigea, Constanța for Telehandler Rental for Pallet Lifting.

less than a day
Agigea, Constanța

Puteți închiria încărcătoare telescopice de la Kran în Constanța. Avem echipamentul perfect pentru proiectul dumneavoastră, așa că contactați-ne astăzi!

Recently, a recurring local client required our telehandler rental service for a pallet lifting project in Agigea, Constanta.

Our client had to lift 14 rigips pallets on the fourth floor of a newly built building. Each pallet weighed 1.5t and had to be lifted at 12m height.

Our telehandler was the best choice of equipment for this task as it has the function of a crane and forklift at the same time.

Our operator got to the job’s location and, after ensuring that all safety measures were taken, proceeded to the lifting operation.

The 24t materials were lifted safely to the fourth floor thanks to the good collaboration between teams and the liability of our equipment.

Our client was very pleased with the way the task was handled and the professionalism of our operator.

We are glad that we’ve been able to help our client on his project and we are looking forward to collaborating with them again in future projects.

The telehandler is a very versatile piece of equipment, its multiple functions and attachments enabling using it on various tasks.

Here are some benefits a telehandler can bring to your projects when in need of one:

  • 4-wheel drive function that enables them to work on and off-road
  • Versatility due to the multiple attachment choices
  • Increased safety while lifting heavy loads
  • Fast and efficient giving the possibility of finishing tasks faster
  • Heavy lifting capacity that allows lifting heavy loads at unreachable heights.

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