+40 757 016 913 contact@kran.ro

Transporting and Unloading Construction Materials using Truck Cranes

A successful project by Kran using the Mobile Cranes rental service in Mamaia, Constanta for Transporting and Unloading Construction Materials using Truck Cranes.

1-3 days
Mamaia, Constanta

Kran is your best choice for hiring a crane in Constanta.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries or demands.

A series of projects were done by our truck cranes these past few months, but something complex happened this last December in Mamaia. Mamaia has been known for its popular resorts and hotels for tourists in Romania. So whenever a construction project requires equipment, Kran served those clients with such dedication.

Recently, the Meraki Resort in Mamaia requested not just one but two of our truck cranes to transport and unload various construction materials. One truck crane transported a container house for workers in the location while the other truck crane was tasked to load the construction materials, such as beams, stacks of wood, and plywood. Each stack weighs around 500 kg, which is why our truck crane capable of loading and transporting up to 20T of weight is tasked to handle that job.

After the materials are transported to the location, they were unloaded using a tower crane. This operation took a whole day to finish due to the complexity.

This operation required experience and reliable equipment to accomplish the task successfully. We express our utmost gratitude to our client for entrusting this operation with Kran. We are hoping to collaborate with them for future projects.

With the operation mentioned above, it is clear to us the capability of our truck cranes. Additionally, when renting truck cranes with Kran, one may acquire:

  • Cost-effectiveness solution for their project;
  • Fast and precise actions
  • Safety and efficiency
  • Fuel and operator inclusion in the rental price.

Renting truck cranes with Kran can bring exceptional results to complex projects involving extensive lifting. Rent a crane today for your project!

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